Relay is a mobile platform for team-based pornography recovery. The app helps match people into a team of peers working toward the same goal so they can leverage each other for success through 1) increased connection, 2) effective accountability, and 3) sustained motivation.

<aside> 💡 Know someone who might benefit from this? Click here to refer them.


We know you’re busy; here’s a quick summary with the top five things to know about recommending Relay ⬇️

  1. The biggest reason to share Relay with someone is to help them strengthen their support system needed to be successful — in a way that isn’t super scary or awkward
  2. Relay can be a valuable resource both for people already working with a therapist or attending a group AND for people who aren’t receiving professional help
  3. It’s not just for guys; many women have used Relay too and found it to be super helpful (all groups are separated by gender)
  4. It’s rooted in the science of connection; we’ve worked with professional therapists and other advisors to shape the app experience
  5. Over 79% of Relay users have reported improvement within 4 weeks. The app is $12 / month (see below on why it’s not free) and is available both on iOS and Android

How it Works

When someone creates an account with Relay, we help match them into teams of 5-10 people who are working towards the same goal. Once placed in their team, the app helps facilitate meaningful connection, provides visibility to how each other are doing, and makes it easier to reach out when feeling tempted or vulnerable.

If you want to get a better glimpse at how the product works, check out this demo video:

Check out this five minute video to see how it works!

Check out this five minute video to see how it works!

<aside> 💡 Want the longer version? Check out this Leading Saints podcast where Chandler goes into the backstory of Relay and walks through how it works and who it’s good for.


Who would Relay be good for?

The short answer — any man or woman you’re counseling with who is working towards sexual self-mastery (pornography, masturbation, etc.) who would benefit from increased connection and accountability.

Relay can be an effective resource both for people already working with a therapist or attending a group AND for people who aren’t receiving professional help. Individuals who are currently attending therapy, 12 Step, or a similar program have found Relay to be a great companion resource, helping them stay connected and accountable 24/7 — not just one day a week. Therapists have repeatedly emphasized to us that even regular, in-person meetings aren't able to provide the constant connection and support an individual needs to be successful and combat isolation.

<aside> 💬 “My bishops were all awesome and did their best to support me, but I really wish they could have helped me find a stronger support system. We want our platform to make it easier for church leaders to help those they work with to connect with others who are in the same boat. Everything changed for me when I was able to expand my base of support.”
— Chandler, CEO & Co-founder of Relay


What’s the cost?

We initially offered the product for free, but soon discovered that people had better experiences and results when they had “skin in the game” to encourage them to stay connected and accountable. We now offer the app for a $12/month — far less than other services or counseling, but enough to help users to make a commitment and stick to it.